Domiciliary Care Services
Our Domiciliary care service is dedicated to providing individual care support packages to meet the particular needs and requirements of our customers.
We offer a high quality service Personal Care service which is accredited with the Care Quality Commission, 7 days a week.
We offer Personal, individually tailored & culturally appropriate care support packages to help you or the person you care for in the comfort of your own home including help with:
- Bathing
- dressing
- toileting
- feeding
- meal preparation
- sitting services
- and lots more…..
- & feeding
Trained care workers & support staff. Staff matched to suit your language wherever possible.
Our standard hourly rates for Domiciliary and respite care are:
Weekdays: Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm —- £16.50 per hour.
Weekends: Saturday to Sunday: 8am to 6pm — £19.50 per hour.
Bank Holidays 8am to 6pm ———————— £20.50 per hour.
To find out more SIMPLY CALL or visit:
01753 824374
Email: parvaaz@taha.org.uk
Personal Assistants & Care Support for children & adults with disabilities: improving independent Living Parvaaz Project
CQC Registered & Accredited personal & bespoke Support Services for children & young adults with disabilities & complex needs.
Adults with Special Needs
Our Service aims to enable our customers to live independent lives, participate in activity that they wish to pursue enhancing equality and opportunity for them and help to improve personal and social development.
This service is similar to our service for Children & young people with special needs .
We offer a range of individually tailored and culturally specially support packages to suit the needs for each customer.
A large team of trained & dedicated Personal Support Assistants to enable users to live independent lives and participate in social, educational or community activities
We offer 1:1 and 2:1 personal support depending on the type of disability or complex need with support workers matched to users’ needs & wishes
Our Service, called Parvaaz, based in Slough, Berkshire offers a comprehensive range of support services & tailor made care packages 7 days per week for adults and carers in receipt of direct payments and personal budgets including:
- accompanied visits & day trips to place of interest
- Help within the home
- personal support assistants to assist with college courses, homework, GP & hospital appointments, collecting prescriptions
Competitive rates
£16.00 per support worker per hour for weekday support
£19.00 per support worker per hour for weekend support
For further information please contact:
Tel: 01753 529628/01753 824374
Email: parvaaz@taha.org.uk